What is reverse osmosis filtration?

Unlike activated carbon filtration technology that uses certain materials to attract contaminants that bind like magnets, reverse osmosis uses a semi-permeable membrane for filtration. Think of it like a mosquito net. Reverse osmosis forces water through a semipermeable membrane, leaving all particles larger than the net behind. But phrasing it like that does reverse osmosis an injustice; it’s more than just forcing water through a net. It uses a considerable amount of water pressure, making it the most effective water purification technique on the market.

How does reverse osmosis work?

The reverse osmosis process essentially sifts out particles that are larger than 0.01 micrometers or larger in size, which can include many types of sediment, bacteria, and even fluoride and lead particulates.

It’s also important to note that the reverse osmosis process does not require thermal energy, and instead, relies on high-pressure pumps. In layman’s terms? This means that it doesn’t require access to a power supply, it just needs a lot of water pressure.

As an example, for brackish water (water with more salinity than fresh water, but not as much as sea water), the water pressure flowing through your reverse osmosis system will be between 225 and 376 pressure-per-square-inch (psi). That’s more than 6x the average water pressure to a standard size home (usually between 40 to 45 psi). This intense pressure pushes water through the semi-permable membrane, leaving impurities behind and providing you with healthier, better tasting water.

What are the advantages of reverse osmosis?

  • Removes contaminants
  • Removes unhealthy chemicals
  • Removes lead & sodium
  • Provides clean, pure and healthy water